Competent K-9 - Month 2

Month two the Competent K9 Program is designed to take your dog's training to the next level. We've fine-tuned this program to enhance your dog's skills and ensure they become a confident and obedient companion. This month, we're focusing on building upon the foundation established in the previous month and mastering essential cues.

Competent K9 Program: Month Two

On-Leash Heel: Building on the on-leash heel training from the first month, your dog will continue to refine their ability to walk calmly and attentively beside you. This skill is the cornerstone of well-behaved walks and public outings.

A Beautiful Off-Leash Heel: In month two, we'll transition to off-leash heel training. Your dog will learn to maintain a beautiful heel position without the need for a leash. This skill not only demonstrates your dog's obedience but also builds a deeper level of trust between you and your furry friend.

Mastering Place Training: "Place training" is an integral part of our program, and during the second month, your dog will master this cue. They'll learn to stay in a designated spot until you give them the cue to move, which is essential for both safety and convenience.

Perfecting Off-Leash Recall: The off-leash recall cue is a fundamental skill, and during the second month, we'll focus on perfecting it. Your dog will become even more reliable in responding when called, ensuring their safety and your peace of mind in various situations.

Why Continue with Our Program?

  • Progressive Training: Our Competent K9 Program is structured to progressively build upon the skills learned in the foundation month. Your dog will continue to develop their abilities and understanding of cues.
  • Professional Guidance: Our trainers are experts in the field, providing professional guidance and support to ensure your dog's success.
  • Trust and Confidence: The second month of our program deepens the bond between you and your dog, fostering trust and confidence in their abilities and your leadership.
  • Real-World Application: The skills learned in the Competent K9 Program are designed to be applicable in real-world situations, ensuring a well-behaved dog wherever you go.
  • Ongoing Support: As with all our programs, we offer ongoing support to help you and your dog maintain the progress achieved during training.

Join us for the second month of our Competent K9 Program and witness the transformation in your dog's behavior. Enroll today to elevate your dog's training to a new level of competence and obedience. Your dog's journey to becoming a well-trained and confident companion continues here. Contact us now to get started!