Foundations for Success - Month 1

Welcome to Our Foundations for Success Dog Training Program

At Covey Kennels, we understand that building a strong foundation is essential for your dog's success. Our training program is designed to foster a deep understanding between you and your furry companion, built upon the pillars of relationship, trust, and consistency. These key factors are at the core of every dog's development and lay the groundwork for a well-behaved and happy pup.

Month 1: Establishing the Foundation

On-Leash Heel: In the first month of our training program, we focus on teaching your dog how to heel in a variety of settings. Walking on a leash should be an enjoyable experience for both you and your dog. Walking your dog is possible without the fear of injuring yourself! Our expert trainers will work closely with your pup to ensure they walk beside you calmly and attentively.

Place Training: Teaching your dog to stay in a designated spot is a valuable skill. Whether it's for safety, relaxation, or simple convenience, "place training" is an essential part of our program. Your dog will learn to stay in a designated raised platform area until you give them the cue to move.

Off-Leash Recall: An off-leash recall is not just about freedom; it's about trust and safety. We'll teach your dog to come when called, even without a leash. This skill is vital for any dog and ensures they can enjoy more freedom without compromising their well-being. The is one of the most important and fundamental skills for a puppy to learn. Maximizing there ability to enjoy the world around them while staying safe.


Why Choose Our Program?

  • Expert Trainers: Our trainers are seasoned professionals who understand the nuances of dog behavior and training. They are passionate about what they do and are dedicated to helping your dog reach their full potential.
  • Tailored Approach: We recognize that every dog is unique. Our training programs are customized to meet your dog's individual needs and abilities, ensuring they progress at their own pace.
  • Positive Reinforcement: We believe in using positive reinforcement methods to motivate and reward your dog for good behavior. This approach fosters a happy and confident pet.
  • Collar Conditioning: We understand that consistency is key to successful training. Collar conditioning your dog's behaviors after they have learned them is a vital part of our program. This step builds confidence and ensures that your dog consistently follows commands, even in real-world situations.
  • Results-Oriented: Our goal is to equip you and your dog with the tools for success. The skills learned in our program will make your dog a well-mannered and delightful companion.
  • Ongoing Support: Our commitment doesn't end when the training program does. We provide ongoing support and guidance to help you and your dog maintain the progress achieved during training.

Join Us for a Transformative Experience

Enroll in our Foundation for Success Dog Training Program and embark on a journey that will strengthen the bond between you and your four-legged friend. We're here to help you create a well-behaved, obedient, and happy companion.

Contact us today to get started on this exciting adventure. Your dog's journey to success begins here.